IDB – Demand Solutions, Chile 2018

Demand Solutions is an event that brings together mayors, government officials, and business leaders from around the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing cities in the 21st century. The event is hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and, in this particular case, the Chilean government.

IDB – Inter-American Development Bank
Banking, Finances
Demand Solution Event
Digital, Social Media, Graphics on Event Premise, Signage, Print, Advertising
May 19, 2018

With Demand Solutions, IDB brings together some of the most creative minds around the world to listen, inspire, experience, and share innovative solutions to improve lives.

The biggest design challenge of this event is to create a visual identity that covers all the bases, as the brand must:

  • Be consistent throughout every event
  • Reflect the local identity
  • Communicate the theme of the event

No pressure or anything.

Logo lockup of the event, featuring location and year.
Master Design for Paid Ads and Organic posts to announce the event.
Instagram row of posts to announce organically the event.

Event's Brand Guidelines, Creative Direction and Inspiration

Main Images

Filmaking / Content Creation / Visual Arts
Music / Arts
Game Industry

Images of the event